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Regulatory Compliance & Training (RCT) Partners

Entities eligible to become RCT Partners include:

  • Cooperative or publicly-owned entities engaged in the generation/production, transmission, or distribution of electricity, natural gas, or other energy sources.
  • Statewide Electric Cooperative Associations and Joint Action Agencies consisting of individual cooperatives or municipal utilities could also become RCT Partners and will be able to share RCT Resources within their individual memberships.

The benefits of RCT Partners program

The RCT Partners program will provide energy companies with a “toolkit” to support their and their members’ regulatory compliance, including access to the following:

  • High-level analyses of proposed and final regulations relating to RCRA, TSCA, CWA-SPCC, DOT, PHMSA, HMTA, and CERCLA.
  • Regulatory compliance training modules addressing TSCA, RCRA, SPCC, and hazardous materials transportation issues.
  • A compendium of Interpretative letters issued by EPA regarding PCB Regulations.
  • A compendium of Interpretative letters issued by DOT regarding hazardous materials transportation.
  • Notice of important Federal Register notices.
  • Information on important updates to EPA and DOT Regulatory Agenda.

These materials would be made available to Partners on an RCT-dedicated (log-in required) webpage.


  • RCT Partners would not be USWAG members and would not be allocated a vote for any issue requiring USWAG member action or approval.
  • RCT Partners would not have the ability to attend Committee meetings or to obtain compliance counseling from USWAG Counsel.
  • RCT Partners would not have access to any privileged and confidential information provided to USWAG members, nor would they be able to access members-only portions of the USWAG website.

Fee Structure:

  • The annual fee for individual cooperatives or public power providers would be $1000.
  • Fees for Statewide Associations and Joint Action Agencies would be based on the number of individual members represented by these groups as follows:
    • Fewer than 10 unique members: $ 5,000.
    • 10 – 20 unique members: $10,000.
    • Greater than 20 unique members: $15,000.

For further information and to apply for USWAG membership, please contact:

Dan Chartier
Executive Director
(771) 777-5024