EPA-NREL Webinar on Solar on Closed CCR Sites
Friday, November 3, 2023
1:00 - 2:30 PM EDT
General Information
USEPA's Office of Land and Emergency Management's RE-Powering America's Land Initiative is working with the National Renewable Energy Laboratory (NREL) to evaluate options for solar development on closed CCR landfills and surface impoundments where site conditions allow for safe development opportunities.
USWAG's Ash Management & Solid Waste Committee facilitated a webinar on Friday, November 3 from 1:00 - 2:30 PM EDT to allow the team from EPA and NREL to engage with stakeholders and present the results of their work.
Webinar Recording
Whether you watched the video or live or via the recording above, USWAG is seeking your feedback on the webinar at this link: https://www.surveymonkey.com/r/ashwebinar
Presentation Slides
- Coal Ash Disposal Sites and Opportunities for Solar Photovoltaic Development - Lora Strine - USEPA
- Solar on the Rock River Closed Landfill - Jeff Maxted - Alliant Energy
- Project Phoenix - Patrick V. Kiser, PE - Tennessee Valley Authority (TVA)
Additional Resources
- EPA's RE-Powering America's Lands' Initiative website.
- EPA's Coal Ash Disposal Sites and Opportunities for Solar Photovoltaic Development website.
- EPA Publication #540-S-23-004, Coal Ash Disposal Sites and Opportunities for Photovoltaic Development (PDF)
- EPA's Inventory of CCR units that might be candidates for solar installation: Coal_Ash_Sites_Current.xlxs (Microsoft Excel Workbook)
- EPRI Application Insight Brief: Solar System Deployment on a Closed Coal Combustion Residuals Management Landfill in Wisconsin (Free for EPRI funding members; fee for others)
- EPRI Report: Guidance on the Design, Permitting, and Construction of Solar Facilities on Closed Coal Combustion Residual Sites (Free for EPRI funding members; fee for others)
If you have any feedback or questions on this webinar, please reach out to Dan Chartier, USWAG Executive Director at dan.chartier@uswag.org.