USWAG Committees
- Policy Committee
The major policy-making body of USWAG is its Policy Committee, comprised of one representative from each member company. The Policy Committee approves the USWAG Budget and sets the general direction of USWAG's efforts.
Steering Committee
The Steering Committee is comprised of elected members from the Policy Committee and acts as an advisory group to the Policy Committee.
Ash Management and Solid Waste Committee
The Ash Management and Solid Waste Committee is responsible for addressing regulations affecting ash management. The Committee provides technical assistance and legislative support on EPA's regulatory determination, RCRA re-authorization, Subtitle C rule-makings, ash use activities, clean coal technology byproducts, and related issues.
Low Volume Waste Committee
The Low Volume Waste Committee provides technical assistance and legislative support on used oil regulations, hazardous waste burning rules, mixed waste, RCRA Subtitle C rule-makings, lighting wastes, treated wood management, land disposal restriction regulations, universal waste management standards, and other RCRA issues.
- The Treated Wood Subcommittee is responsible for addressing regulations affecting the management of used, treated utility wood poles and cross-arms.
Remediation and Response Committee
The Remediation and Response Committee is responsible for providing technical assistance and legislative support for addressing regulations affecting the management of remediation wastes generated during site cleanups and brownfields redevelopment. - The Tanks Subcommittee is responsible for working to maintain reasonable regulations for underground tanks and flexible guidance for cleanup of releases from such tanks. The Subcommittee will provide technical assistance and legislative support on the following issues: above-ground tanks, SPCC regulations.
- TSCA Chemical Management Committee
The TSCA Chemical Management Committee is responsible for addressing matters relating to TSCA regulations. The Committee provides technical assistance and legislative support on the development of and compliance with the federal rules under TSCA, including asbestos rules, PCB use and spill cleanup, exposure risks, and RCRA/TSCA mixed waste regulatory issues. Much of the Committee's work is conducted with other industry groups. - Department of Transportation (DOT) Committee
The DOT Committee is responsible for addressing matters relating to the DOT Hazardous Materials Regulations. The Committee provides technical assistance and legislative support on HMTA re-authorization, the materials of trade rule, and PHMSA rule-makings.